I stayed in Shreveport for a season on the series Salem. We shot the pilot in November and knew then that we would all be scrambling to find dwelling come January. Having Jacquie Barber in our corner made a world of difference. I’ve been doing this a long time and let me tell you, this part of the experience can either be fun or a nightmare. Well Jacquie made it fun and then some. She got who I was and what I was looking for straight out of the gate. So neither of us wasted any time looking at places that didn’t fit the bill. And once we zeroed in and found the perfect little house for my needs, she remained a presence and helped with all the business of settling in and with all the things that came up along the way. I am happy to write this now because I consider her a friend at this point, but only because she did her job so well. You too will have a friend in your corner if you do business with Elite Quarters.
Customer Feedback
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Jackie Barber, owner of Elite Quarters, in Shreveport, LA, for making a place available for my family to evacuate too. In fact, we were able to stay in the same two bedroom apartment I rented while I lived in Shreveport working on the film Straw Dogs. And, to my surprise, all of the four-plex apartments were vacant as a film just left two days before the storm. Jackie was fantastic taking care of my family, including my mother, and renting us our apartments. If you are ever in need of housing in Shreveport, either long-term or short-term, please call Jackie Barber at Elite Quarters. She manages housing at every price range including high-end luxury homes and condos. This is a name you do not want to forget if your production company ever films in Shreveport. Again, thank you so much Jackie…..Dr.Mel Caudle
Xander Berkeley